sábado, 24 de abril de 2010

20/4 Uma data que ficou para a história.

20/04 não foi uma data aleatória, nesse dia cerca de 20 mil pessoas se reuniram para um protesto a favor da legalização da maconha nos EUA, policia foi aconselhada a não se manifestar nesse dia contra os protestantes e o que aconteceu você pode ver melhor nessas fotos abaixo confiram:

4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)
4/20 Pot Protesters in the USA (31 pics)

O blog  não se manifesta contra ou a favor a esse tipo de coisa, apenas mostramos 
o acontecimento.

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